New Beginnings

 Welcome to our blog as we welcome our first baby into the world! A few of my family members, mainly my sisters (yes I’m dissing you Jeff for failing on updating your blog in YEARS), have a blog that I enjoy refreshing for updates every week, so I thought, why don’t I make one?! 

Being pregnant during covid and quarantine, as well as being a nurse in a hospital, has brought its challenges/fears/anxieties, we persevered )so far) and are ready to welcome this baby boy or girl in just a few short weeks! 2020 has gotten a very bad rap, it’ll be a year in history to remember, from Covid-19, all non-essential stores and restaurants closed, Black Lives Matter, to my hometown of Kenosha being looted and set on fire due to a police officer shooting, making global news. 

September 25th is our actual due date, so we’ll see if Little D decides to come early or late. 

I probably should have started this a little earlier, but I thought we could just go down memory lane of some photos during the pregnancy, but the pictures from earlier in the year won’t load on this... so I guess we’ll just start from my most recent photos. I’ll try and play around a little more with this, stay tuned! 

My sister Jodi told me to take weekly belly pictures to see the bump grow, I was very good about doing it in the beginning, especially during quarantine, when the only time I did my hair or makeup or put contacts in, was for these photos. However, towards the end I skipped a few weeks, oops! At my last appointment, which was 2 days before this picture, I was 1.5 cm dilated and the baby’s head was measuring lower, yay! I feel like I’ve been carrying pretty low during the pregnancy, no heartburn or shortness of breath! Although, I do feel like the baby thinks my bladder is a punching bag.

Patrick likes to get in on the pictures sometimes. He really looks forward to the weekly photos.

We got some photos done with Holen Photography when I was 35-36ish weeks. This is the only picture I have so far, I can’t wait to see the rest!

Our little take home outfit accessories! Thanks Karen!

Just about finished with our nursery. Don’t mind the mismatched curtains, Target sent me two different sizes, so waiting for the longer curtain delivery still. I just couldn’t help and take pictures though!

Well looks like this is as far back as the photos will actually upload, booo. I’m looking forward to continuing to update the blog and look back at all the memories!


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