Bella's high school graduation!

We spent our Memorial Day weekend celebrating Bella! Pat was at a golf tournament in the UP with some friends. When he told me that he would leave May 23rd, I thought okay, that's the weekend before Bella's graduation. Little did I know, that Memorial Day weekend was early this year! So, my mom and I drove to Indiana together as I didn't feel comfortable driving the boys that long by myself. Branko just is happy as a clam with a tablet and Conrad needed a little bit more of assistance, but overall did well on the ride with snacks, naps, and tablets.

Here we are unloading the car.
We hung out at the house the first night with my parents and Karen. Mostly, everyone was arriving super late at night or the next day. (well so we thought). There were storms causing some delays for peoples drives and my brother/nieces flew to Indiana, but had mechanical issues with their plane and they almost missed the grad party! We all made it, but just had a few hiccups. Luckily, for my mom/boys/I, we had zero issues! 

Branko had just fallen asleep about 20 min before we arrived, he doesn't do the best in new situations and wanted to stay in the car, then only wanted to stay and run around in the grass, then we finally go him inside. It was funny, as we were playing outside in the grass, it was me, my mom and Karen, and Branko ran towards us, pointed at Karen and I and then worked his way up to see who was who. Both boys mixed up one of my sisters (or niece Sydney) for me. Genetics are strong!

The next morning, the Hasslers were there and got to play with the video games with Bennett.

I brought some costumes for the boys to play with

They got a lot of use

Here's Pat with his friends on the first day!

Once Bennett changed his shirt in the morning to a spiderman shirt, Branko looked down at his beige smiley face shirt, ran to our room, and changed into his Captain America shirt. He wore this shirt the whole weekend. It's still his favorite shirt and he is constantly looking for it.

The house had an indoor pool that the kids all enjoyed!

Spidey and his amazing friends on the big screen with surround sound. These two were attached at the hip.

Day 2 for the guys!

Bella's graduation was on a Friday at 8 PM, so we unfortunately weren't able to make it to the ceremony. Bella was the valedictorian of her class and gave a speech during the ceremony! Kristen and I were able to stream it and get to watch it!

On Saturday was the graduation party! 

My brother in law has taken a new hobby of buying vending and claw machines. Here is his new purchase. All the kids had so much fun with it!

Playing with their new prizes from the machine! Note Branko still in his Captain America shirt

I didn't get pictures of all the decorations and memorabilia, but Karen and Bella did an amazing job with everything!

Also, the food was amazzzzing and even better left over.  

Facetiming with dad.

We all got to meet Bella's boyfriend, Sam. We put him to the test and had him try to put us in the right order from oldest to youngest. We initially sat in reverse order. This is what he ultimately thought our birth order was. He was 2 for 7! We were all laughing SO hard. This will be a core memory for all of us. Sam took it like a champ!

Conrad was my velcro baby this trip. He wouldn't leave my side or my lap very much. He saw Sydney and I'm pretty sure he thought she was me. 

Conrad gets told a lot that he looks like Curtis did as a baby.

We have a shared album with all the pictures and I saw this one and thought, wow, Jodi and I look so much alike in this picture. I'm starting to see it more and more as we get older. 

While at Bella's graduation party, their neighbor, Gary, saw me in the parking lot and said "you must be related to Karen." I said to him, you'll be able to tell who she's related to when you walk inside!



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