Christmas in Florida

 We spent Christmas in Marco Island this year and the weather was absolutely perfect! We got an air bob that had a heated pool that was like 90 degrees, I even spent a lot of time in it. Branko took 3 hour naps each day and it was just a perfect trip.

Branko did an awesome job on these flights, I was super nervous how it was going to go since he's mainly content only walking around. We tried to book these flights during his naps, but usually he falls asleep 2 hours earlier than when our flight took off. But some snacks, white noise, and snuggles did the trick! Only time we cried was while we were descending, I'll call that a win! These pictures are in reverse order.

Waiting to facetime Jodi on her birthday.

Papa Branko and Baby Branko
Branko loved playing with the buckles on his carseat and stroller.
He went in the pool twice a day, it was awesome.
Our house came with a high chair and pack and play which made our lives so much easier. 

One evening we went for a walk around the neighborhood, I missed taking our evening walks!

Lunch on Christmas Eve

These two jumped in the pool as soon as we got to the house!


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