Kilps come to town!
I had to work the first night the Kilps got into town. This particular week, I had to work 3 12hr shifts in a row, luckily for me, it was during day light savings, so we were trying to push Branko's bedtime a little bit later to make the transition easier, therefore, I got to see him the last night of the stretch and put him to bed. It was so fun to see his reaction after not seeing him for 3 days. We did get to FaceTime on the last day :) I wish I could upload videos a little bit easier on this blog, because I have a cute one of Branko's reaction when I got home that night. Auntie Karen got to squeeze in some snuggles with our rosy cheeks guy. "I'm confused, you look like my mom and Auntie Jodi." We miss you Sydney and Rose!! The boys are getting close to outnumbering the girls! Uncle Pat and Bennett! Branko loves snuggling with Auntie Mary! Branko will try to put anything in his mouth, even if it is his baby cousin. Someone loves his bouncer! I was off the Mon...