
Showing posts from May, 2024

April pictures/Scottsdale

Iris and Ruby came over to play. My sweet baby with his baby My view for dinner The boys couldn't resist those red curls! These two are sure going to miss each other when they move to Ohio :( We were playing hide and go seek and here are some of Branko's hiding spots. Our Hulk loving boy "Cooking" some green balls. New batman sunglasses from Grandma's trip to South Carolina Branko has been only wanting to wear the same 2 shoes that are getting tough to get on. I really like vans shoes and Branko has officially grown out of the velcro shoes and does not want to put his new shoes on. Conrad enjoyed them! Hopefully he'll wear them in a few years.  I also bought some new shirts for Branko, but their a bit too small for Branko and fit Conrad just fine. Who knew a 4T shirt would fit my 18 mo old? Warmer days call for zoo days. The following day was kind of cold, so we went to the children's museum again. Conrad loves these light walls. Branko enjoyed the jungle